Langue/Language/Sprache? And Copyright.

Ce blog est en français.

This blog is in english.

Dieses Blog ist auf deutsch…

Indeed, it depends on my mood, current interests, and whether I want to reach an international audience or a european one. I hope this won’t be a problem for you, if so please don’t hesitate to ask, we might find a solution if some topic is of interest to you but automatic translators are not good enough.

Now, most of the time texts and images in this blog are under the following Creative Commons Licence. Header pictures are by Brigitte Le Bihan. If you mean any use beyond this license, please contact the author.

Licence Creative Commons
Moore’s Law and the Future of [Technology] Economy de Jean-Luc Dormoy est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution – Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale – Partage à l’Identique 3.0 non transposé.
Basé(e) sur une oeuvre à